Monday, September 17, 2007

better structure allows for more patience and reraising

Of course this is restating the obvious, but a better structure allows for more patient play. I'm watching the final table of the $500+30 I played in yesterday. None of these people were among the chip leaders when I got knocked out yesterday. The guy who was chip leader finished around 430th. Did I push too hard yesterday without the nuts? Maybe. But I was trying to get a call from a weaker hand like an overpair. That was my goal. I'm going to try hard to play in the $1000+50 event that's on Sept 23.

The one thing I've noticed watching this table is how aggressive everyone is being. Lots of reraising which leads the original raiser to lay down his hand. But there's a caveat to that. The original raiser needs to be a good enough player that he can understand what is happening. I played with so many donkeys who then call or even reraise with AJ in that spot, it's hard to make that part of my game. Just a thought for future reference.

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