Saturday, October 13, 2007

taking advantage of weaker players

Keeping this blog has helped my game because it requires me to critically analyze my play. It's one thing to think you're keeping track of what you're doing, but when you write it down and think about how you explain it, you have to analyze it more critically.

With that being said, my analysis of beating weaker players has been correct for the most part. I'm making more value bets when I think I'm good on the river. I'm doing less bluffing for the most part. And my favorite play that I've been making a lot is the overbet. Donkeys have a really tough time laying down top pair. Here's a great example that didn't work out for me.

The raise I made was too large, but I knew that your average donkey couldn't lay down an overpair or top/top. It didn't work out, but there are plenty of examples where it has worked for me. I can't find the hands, but I have examples, where I have an overpair on a board that comes queen high or king high, and I check raise all in.

So what I am still doing wrong? Still bluffing too much. Fire one shell - but don't push too much. These donkeys will call you down with second pair or even third pair BECAUSE they are donkeys. They don't know any better. I still need to be tighter after the flop. And I also need to be looser when firing bullets at orphaned pots. In a heads up pot that goes check/check, I need to fire more on the turn. Especially if an undercard comes on the turn.

I'm going back to my theory of finding games you can beat and beating them. I'm going to try to play a couple hundred 12+1 six handed STTs. I can beat them relatively regularly, and I'd like to build my bankroll to a couple thousand before I move up.

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