Saturday, November 17, 2007

playing better poker

I've been reading Paul Wasicka's blog:

I looked for things on Wasicka after I heard Matusow saw that he was impressed by some of the things he had read about Wasicka, how Wasicka knows he has to play perfect poker and how he's been running lucky. What I've been reading is fascinating. Reading his analysis of hands during the LA Poker Classic is great learning material. He plays close attention to other players' styles and behavior and will outplay them in select spots.

But back to me . . .

My focus is waining. I'm making sub-optimal plays. I also need to be tighter. Same stuff that I've been saying. Play tighter, less bluffing, more value betting. I do need to be in a better mood when playing, though. I can't underestimate that aspect. I played two S&Gs yesterday, lost in them both and then played too fast in another and busted out after 13 hands. I was not playing my best - I was tired and frustrated. Maybe I can play better today.

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