Sunday, August 26, 2007

Do I suck or not?

In my first post, I'd like to think aloud about whether or not I'm a good poker player. Since I've been keeping my own spreadsheet of online poker (about 4 years), I'm basically even. Why don't I win? Why don't I lose less? I want to blame luck, but that's not fair. It sure as hell feels like I take more bad beats than I give out, but I guess everyone feels like that.

As I'm playing now in another window, I double a guy up with a board of KJ2, I have KQ and he has KJ. He limped in and I checked from the BB. It's one hand. I bet into him and he raises me, I guess given the stack sizes that I won't bore you with here made my decision correct.

In the end, I know I can play. I need to to tighten up the weak plays I make. I need to fix the leaks in my play. I just wish it was easier.

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